ocr: The. Kigdom ofZari, xuledbys Saxic Thel Conqueror, grewa and flowered. Undex himi itspread to absorb the surroundig. Kigdoms.l becoming the Kigdom of Zaxi and the: Seven Isles. Trade: tlourshed, the peoplewere sates and content, and the raw powrer of the five Mantraswas tapped and controlled to producer manymarvelous magicale effects. Atnight the kangdomwas litby Phopeangampsmageat cureswere found for: ancient diseases, and mountamswere evenmade to floatabove the eaxth.. The: toxces of evilwere driven from the lands too, back across the: seasozunderground to thedepths of the Earth.Sancmarned a ...